R: Re: [CWB] Encoding error in Windows

luigi.talamo at libero.it luigi.talamo at libero.it
Sun Apr 10 15:34:12 CEST 2011

Stefan wrote:

>I don't normally use Windows, so this is the result of a single, painful four-
hour experimentation session.  Perhaps somebody can find a terminal program for 
Windows >that handles UTF-8?  I suppose that Cygwin + X-Windows might work 
better, but that install is probably overkill for somebody who only wants to 
run CQP.

Yes. Why don't just bypass windows, using some sort of virtualization system 
like VirtualBox with a simple and minimal linux?

However, I know that many windows users use putty as their ssh client; there 
are some workarounds to get putty + utf-8 working:


Hope that helps.



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