[CWB] Installing from svn on ubuntu 11.10

"Andrés Chandía" andres at chandia.net
Fri Nov 4 13:33:19 CET 2011

Ok, thanks, solved.


P No imprima
innecesariamente. ¡Cuide el medio ambiente!

On Fri, November 4, 2011
1:13 pm, Hardie, Andrew wrote:
 <style type="text/css">-></style>

this is the problem:

>>>When you went to the adm directory, did it ask you to log

program in the Adm directory won&rsquo;t let you use it until you log in using the sysadmin
username and password. 

Apache perhaps configured to ignore .htaccess files? Either in general, or in this folder
it is, it will cause this problem.



"Andrés Chandía" [mailto:andres at chandia.net] 

Sent: 04 November 2011 12:08
 To: Hardie, Andrew

Cc: Open source development of the Corpus WorkBench

Subject: RE: [CWB] Installing from svn on ubuntu 11.10

My cheks after trying once more.
 Here are some things you
can try checking:
 Are you using Apache?
 When you went to the adm
directory, did it ask you to log on?
 Is there a .htaccess file in the
adm directory?
 Are there .htpasswd and .htgroup files in the location
you specified during setup?
 Does the htpasswd file contain the username
of the superuser?

and htgroup > superusers: sysadmin
 Does the config.inc.php file contain a
variable $superuser_username  that has your usename in it?

$superuser_username = 'sysadmin';
             andrés chandía
 P No imprima innecesariamente. ¡Cuide el
medio ambiente!
On Tue, October 25,
2011 7:21 pm, Stefan Evert wrote:
 ->> Now, at the CWB-CQI
installation in make test i got some error but make install went well,
 ->> is this
something to worry about?
 -> Only if you want to use the CQi interface
 -> That's actually a buglet in the CWB::CQI::Server module, which
expects the cqpserver binary to
 -> be in the standard search path (so it can be
invoked with system "cqpserver ..." from Perl). 
 -> This should really be
pulled from the configuration information in the CWB module, but that
 -> hasn't been
implemented yet because CWB-CQI doesn't depend on the basic CWB/Perl package.
 -> If you need CWB-CQI to work, there are two possible workarounds:

-> 1) Add /usr/local/cwb-3.4.0/bin to your path
 -> 2) Check out the
latest SVN copy, where I've fixed the bug (not tested thoroughly, so I'd be
interested to hear if this fixes the problem for you)
 -> Cheers,

-> Stefan
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