[CWB] CQPweb batch user accounts

Luigi TALAMO luigi.talamo at sns.it
Tue Mar 19 18:10:08 CET 2013

I have got a question regarding structural attributes. It is not clear to me whether I can concatenate in a query different structural attributes, say, feat_1 and feat_2:

[lemma="dog"] ::matchend.feat_1 with [lemma="dog"] ::matchend.feat2

I have tried something like:
[lemma="dog"] ::matchend.feat_1 & matchend.feat2

but it doesn't work. The only solution seems to be sub-corpora:

A = [lemma="dog"] ::matchend.feat_1;
[lemma="dog"] ::matchend.feat_2;

Do I miss something?

Thank you in advance.



Luigi Talamo

Research grant holder
Laboratorio di linguistica - Scuola Normale Superiore 
P.zza dei Cavalieri 7, 56127 PISA

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