[CWB] Adding new texts

Andres Chandia andres at chandia.net
Thu Dec 4 18:27:29 CET 2014

I'm not sure if it's the right way but if I delete the /data/mycorpus directory and the
/registry/mycorpus* files, the queries work on new added text, I did it this way:

add the new text to the bottom of "mycorpus" file
2 delete 
3 delete /registry/mycorpus*
4 index mycorpus again
5 do queries
at cqp

On Thu, December 4, 2014 17:26, Andres Chandia wrote:
  Hi there, my questions, is there a way to add new text to an already
indexed corpus, a corpus that is already exploitable at the cqp web interface?

Second question, is there a way to make an indexed corpus available for exploitation at the
cqp web interface from command line?

andrés chandía

administrador de
mapuche koyaktu
ong mapuche
P No imprima
innecesariamente. ¡Cuide el medio ambiente!  


administrador de
mapuche koyaktu
ong mapuche koyaktu
P No imprima innecesariamente. ¡Cuide el medio ambiente!
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