[CWB] [cwb:bugs] #54 CQPweb: database not tracking cache files correctly

Andrew Hardie andrewhardie at users.sf.net
Mon Jun 16 01:37:17 CEST 2014

- **status**: open --> closed-fixed
- **Group**:  --> TODO-3.0


** [bugs:#54] CQPweb: database not tracking cache files correctly**

**Status:** closed-fixed
**Group:** TODO-3.0
**Labels:** CQPweb 
**Created:** Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:16 AM UTC by Andrew Hardie
**Last Updated:** Wed Dec 12, 2012 05:27 AM UTC
**Owner:** Andrew Hardie

The CQPOweb database that is supposed ot keep track of the cache contents is losing track of some files. 

In my cache directory:

du -b

select sum\(file\_size\) from saved\_queries

Default cache limit: \(which is NOT overridden\): 3221225472.

I suspect that crashed processes result in files on disk without matching entries in the database. The files are, thus, lost track of.

Solution: admin interface for managing "orphaned" files - if possible, also add an option for superusers to be emailed with a warning if the orphaned files overspill.


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