[CWB] Updating cqp (command line version)

Andres Chandia andres at chandia.net
Mon Jun 30 17:29:58 CEST 2014

Hi there, I've run an installation from svn to upgrade my cqp version (3.0.2) but I got the
same version, am I doing something wrong?, I took the svn versions from here: 

SVN access (source code)
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   If you want to use versions with the latest improvements and bug  fixes, you can export
the source code directly from its Subversion  repository with the commands listed below. 
These commands should work  on Mac OS X and Linux; on Windows, install a SVN client such as TortoiseSVN and
enter the URL parts of the commands. 

    svn export http://svn.code.sf.net/p/cwb/code/cwb/branches/3.0 cwb-3.0
(IMS Open Corpus Workbench)
    svn export http://svn.code.sf.net/p/cwb/code/perl/trunk/CWB Perl-CWB-3.0
(Perl CWB package)
    svn export http://svn.code.sf.net/p/cwb/code/perl/branches/3.0/CWB-CL
Perl-CWB-CL-3.0 (Perl CWB-CL package)
    svn export http://svn.code.sf.net/p/cwb/code/perl/trunk/CWB-Web
Perl-CWB-Web-3.0 (Perl CWB-Web package)
    svn export http://svn.code.sf.net/p/cwb/code/perl/trunk/CWB-CQI
Perl-CWB-CQI-3.0 (CQi reference implementation)
    svn export http://svn.code.sf.net/p/cwb/code/gui/cqpweb/branches/3.0
CQPweb (CQPweb GUI) (stable version)

Thanks in advance....


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ong mapuche koyaktu
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