[CWB] Announcing CQPwebInABox

Hardie, Andrew a.hardie at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Apr 2 07:20:33 CEST 2015

Hi everybody,

This is just a quick note to announce the availability of CQPwebInABox – a virtual machine image containing a pre-installed copy of CQPweb.

This is designed to get beginners past the hump of having to install all the different components.

The image (1.6GB) can be downloaded here:


To run it, you will need to install VirtualBox (although I believe other virtualisation tools can also use the same file format, I haven’t yet tested this).

You can get VirtualBox here:


Then “import appliance” from the .ova download.

The virtual machine runs Linux – however, I have set it up in such a way as to make the interface as similar to Windows as possible. So don’t fear the Linux!

I will create some video tutorials & put them on YouTube as soon as I can.

Feedback welcome.


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