[CWB] [cwb:feature-requests] #19 CQPweb: subcorpus-as-corpus

Andrew Hardie andrewhardie at users.sf.net
Fri Jan 30 18:55:50 CET 2015

- **status**: open --> wont-fix
- **Group**:  --> TODO-3.5
- **Comment**:

Not going to do this: too much else for us to deal with!


** [feature-requests:#19] CQPweb: subcorpus-as-corpus**

**Status:** wont-fix
**Group:** TODO-3.5
**Labels:** CQPweb 
**Created:** Mon Jul 06, 2009 05:24 AM UTC by Andrew Hardie
**Last Updated:** Wed Dec 12, 2012 05:26 AM UTC
**Owner:** Andrew Hardie

Allow subcorpora to be assigned their own web-folders, settings file, user access permissions, etc and accessed as though they were independently-indexed corpora.

So, for instance, you could have brown-family as a corpus with subcorpora borwn, flob, lob, frown...
... and then each of brown, frown, lob, flob could also be accessed independently \(if set up for this by the admin user\) and the average user would not be able to tell the difference between this and an independently indexed copy of Brown \(or whatever\).

This will involve duplication of \(some or all\) mysql data, but not of CWB indexed files.

\(This is a rather major feature, so not something for the immediate future\!\)


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