[CWB] [cwb:feature-requests] #23 CQPweb: s-element display

Andrew Hardie andrewhardie at users.sf.net
Mon Aug 1 00:38:25 CEST 2016

- **status**: open --> closed
- **Group**:  --> TODO-3.5
- **Comment**:

Complete as of Q2 2016.


** [feature-requests:#23] CQPweb: s-element display**

**Status:** closed
**Group:** TODO-3.5
**Labels:** CQPweb 
**Created:** Sat Aug 22, 2009 04:54 PM UTC by Andrew Hardie
**Last Updated:** Wed Dec 12, 2012 05:26 AM UTC
**Owner:** Andrew Hardie

Make s-elements \(configurably\) visualisable in the "concordance" and "context" displays.

For each registered s-element, there should be the following options configurable on a per-corpus basis:

1\) Display in neither -- display in both -- display in Concordance only -- display in Context only
2\) The text to be displayed. This is allowed to include \(a subset of\) HTML, e.g. "<a ...>". It is also allowed to include a code referring to that s-attribute's value \(or the values of any adjacent s-attributes?\)

Then, when the $cqp module is called to set up which elements are displayed, the elements in this configuration are passed to CQP as "display" commands, and the rendering function rewrites the returned lines using the template stored in the database for that s-element.

This feature is a natural accompaniment to "CQPweb: XML support", but could be implemented independently of it. It would allow, for instance, external links to synchronised sound files to be displayed in concordance results from spoken corpora.


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