[CWB] CQPweb - Symbolic link error

Philippe Baudrion Philippe.Baudrion at unige.ch
Tue Mar 1 15:55:19 CET 2016

Dear all,
I have just installed CQPweb 3.2.6 revision 784 and suppose there is a 
bug while loading the Corpus settings (link: "Go to Corpus settings").

Apache logs an error: Symbolic link not allowed or link target not 
It seems that the sym link is wrong and points to the wrong folder:

$ ls -l CQPweb
lrwxrwxrwx  1 www-data www-data     6 Feb 29 17:19 t23 -> ../exe

instead of the following example previously created :

lrwxrwxrwx  1 www-data www-data    27 Mar  1 11:16 t22 -> 

When I remove "../" in the sym link, the page is loaded correctly.
Can you confirm?
Thank you for your great work,

Baudrion Philippe
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