[CWB] TreeTagger and xml attributes

Graham Ranger -- UAPV graham.ranger at univ-avignon.fr
Mon Nov 14 16:10:12 CET 2016

Thanks for this example, Daniel.
I have a question concerning the association of verticalised, postagged 
and lemmatised text, with xml attributes.
The example you give mixes xml tagging <s>... </s> etc. and the 
verticalised "word pos lemma" format of treetagger. My question is: did 
you add the xml inside the text (i.e. not the text header) with manual 
or scripted postediting, or does your tagging software have some option 
that verticalises, postags, lemmatises while also adding s and p tags?
Many thanks in advance to you -- or to the list -- for any pointers.
G. R.

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