[CWB] [cwb:bugs] #43 %d query with Windows version

Andrew Hardie andrewhardie at users.sf.net
Sat Jul 1 13:31:39 CEST 2017

Bug confirmed as persisting - and seems to affect %c as well in the corpus I was testing, including the query "xxxxx"%c mentioned above as *not* causing the problem.


** [bugs:#43] %d query with Windows version**

**Status:** open
**Group:** TODO-3.5
**Labels:** CQP engine 
**Created:** Fri Nov 05, 2010 01:18 PM UTC by Matthieu Decorde
**Last Updated:** Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:52 PM UTC
**Owner:** Andrew Hardie

On windows, a query such as "cist"%d crashes cqp.exe.

"xxxxx"%c works.

=== LOGS ===

Reading a token: "cist"%d
Next token is token STRING \(\)
Reducing stack by rule 1 \(line 360\):
-> $$ = nterm $@1 \(\)
Stack now 0
Entering state 3
Next token is token STRING \(\)
Reducing stack by rule 5 \(line 369\):
-> $$ = nterm $@2 \(\)
Stack now 0 3
Entering state 9
Next token is token STRING \(\)
Reducing stack by rule 20 \(line 407\):
-> $$ = nterm $@6 \(\)
Stack now 0 3 9
Entering state 23
Next token is token STRING \(\)
Reducing stack by rule 169 \(line 981\):
-> $$ = nterm $@11 \(\)
Stack now 0 3 9 23
Entering state 92
Next token is token STRING \(\)
Reducing stack by rule 199 \(line 1079\):
-> $$ = nterm OptTargetSign \(\)
Stack now 0 3 9 23 92
Entering state 141
Next token is token STRING \(\)
Reducing stack by rule 201 \(line 1083\):
-> $$ = nterm OptRefId \(\)
Stack now 0 3 9 23 92 141
Entering state 226
Next token is token STRING \(\)
Shifting token STRING \(\)
Entering state 143
Reading a token: Next token is token FLAG \(\)
Shifting token FLAG \(\)
Entering state 229
Reducing stack by rule 210 \(line 1121\):
$1 = token FLAG \(\)
-> $$ = nterm OptionalFlag \(\)
Stack now 0 3 9 23 92 141 226 143
Entering state 230
Reducing stack by rule 204 \(line 1090\):
$1 = token STRING \(\)
$2 = nterm OptionalFlag \(\)


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