[CWB] Regex/backreferencing

Susanne Flach susanne.flach at fu-berlin.de
Mon Mar 13 10:10:18 CET 2017

Dear CWBists,

Can you backreference on the token level in CQP?

This question has been nagging me from time to time; now a student wants to investigate reduplication. For querying across token boundaries, labels sort of do the trick except they don’t seem to ignore case (i.e. a:[] b:[] :: a.word = b.word), but for reduplication within a token the pattern [word="(.+)-?\1”] only returns strings ending in 1.

Is this possible in CQP? Plus, is there a way to ignore case in labels?

Any ideas or pointers on (advanced) functions would be much appreciated.

Best & thanks

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