[CWB] Cross-compiling

Andreas Blätte andreas.blaette at uni-due.de
Thu Mar 23 09:40:08 CET 2017

Dear colleagues,

after hours of pain, I think I managed to cross-compile a 64 bit Windows 
version of the CWB.  If you are interested, this is where you can get 
the result:


Feedback welcome, whether this really passes your tests!

The instructions in the INSTALL-WIN file are really very helpful. 
However, cross-compiling glib caused me quite a few headaches (at the 
end, I did not do that myself). I tried to capture in a gist at GitHub 
how I proceeded:


The intention behind this 64 bit version is to be able to compile some 
C/C++ code in an R package agains libcl, and to make functions available 
to a R package I am developing (polmineR, see 

I admire the rcqp package that actually already does that, but I did not 
manage to cross-compile that for 64 bit windows, and having immediate 
access to the corpus library creates creates opportunities to speed up 
performance critical tasks. Once I move beyond the proof of concept, I 
will share that.

Kind regards


Prof. Dr. Andreas Blätte
Professur für Public Policy und Landespolitik
Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Universität Duisburg-Essen

Lotharstr. 65 (Gebäude LS, Raum 019)
47057 Duisburg

Tel.: +49(0)203 379-2286
Fax: +49(0)203 379-3179

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