[CWB] Dramatic texts in cqpweb

Hardie, Andrew a.hardie at lancaster.ac.uk
Mon Nov 6 11:59:56 CET 2017

Assuming that sp_who is of datatype ID-link, this can't at present be done within the interface, though that is in the works. 

(Unless your ID link metadata includes a classification-type column that duplicates the speaker ID. That would do it.)

Currently the most direct way to do this is via a CQP syntax query with a global constraint of the form

xx.sp_who = "Bill"

where xx is a label specified within the main part of the query.

See CQP tutorial section 4.1

>> the categorisation schemes, which, I suspect, only apply to texts.

No, they apply to s-attributes of type ID link too...



-----Original Message-----
From: cwb-bounces at sslmit.unibo.it [mailto:cwb-bounces at sslmit.unibo.it] On Behalf Of Graham Ranger -- UAPV
Sent: 06 November 2017 10:11
To: cwb at sslmit.unibo.it
Subject: Re: [CWB] Dramatic texts in cqpweb

And thanks again to those who answered my previous question re: setting 
up dramatic texts with limited xml encoding for use in cqpweb.
I have a further question, which follows on from the previous -- and may 
be just as naive.
Given a speaker tag <sp> with attribute "who", such that an intervention 
by a character called Bill in a play might be <sp 
who="Bill">Hello!</sp>, can cqpweb provide a way for extracting 
occurrences within all interventions by Bill? I've tried in various 
ways, by don't seem to be able to include this in the categorisation 
schemes, which, I suspect, only apply to texts.
Thanks in advance for any help on this.
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