[CWB] query parallel corpus from command line

"Andrés Chandía" andres at chandia.net
Tue Nov 21 15:21:46 CET 2017

All the "show" settings work in the same way....

  Yes Sr.  putting the show +banctraddeca_ca; line before the
[word="Frau"]; line in the file called by -f makes it work, the inverse order inside
the file won't show the parallel corpus...

Thanks a lot!!!!

> On 21 Nov 2017, at 14:27, Andrés Chandía
andres at chandia.net> wrote: >  > Can you explain how, and what do you mean by the "main
script".  The main script is the code you execute interactively or read from a
file with "-f".   The "-I" option reads initialization code instead of the
usual ~/.cqprc file.

             andrés chandía

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Dungupeyem | Corlexim

administrador de:
Parles.upf | Amind
terapia | ONG Mapuche koyaktu | Nocando | IAC
| CddZ | CatCg |
mail: ONG Mapuche koyaktu | Psicoaching |
P No imprima innecesariamente. ¡Cuide el medio ambiente!
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