[CWB] Dramatic texts in cqpweb

Graham Ranger graham.ranger at univ-avignon.fr
Sat Nov 25 18:56:56 CET 2017

Hello to all,
Thanks to the list members, a beta version of a corpus of theatrical 
texts is now up and running.
I am now exploring query possibilities.
In particular, Andrew suggested searching for, say, word "a" uttered by 
speaker "b" with the following type of cqp query:
n:[word="a"] :: n.sp_who="b";
This works nicely.
I'm now wondering whether it is possible to 1) have labels that 
associate multiple attributes and 2) have global constraints bearing on 
more than one condition.
In other words, I'd like to make queries such as:
n:[word="sort"] & [pos="NOM"] :: n.sp_who="HARPAGON";
to look for all occurrences of the French noun "sort" uttered by the 
character Harpagon
n:[word="coeur"] :: n.sp_who="HARPAGON" & div1_type="act" & div1_n="1";
to look for all occurrences of the word "coeur" uttered by the character 
Harpagon in Act One.
Is this sort of combination possible, or am I asking too much? Thanks as 
ever for your answers.

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