[CWB] Error installing Perl-CWB-3.0

"Andrés Chandía" andres at chandia.net
Sun Jan 14 22:07:28 CET 2018

So you mean I should install the developers version?

Hi Andrés,  sorry, we're not really supporting CWB 3.0 very well any more …
and there isn't a separate branch of the CWB/Perl interface for the 3.0 series since so far
everything except for CWB::CL seemed to be compatible with both versions.  There are two
things you can do:  1) Recommended: move on to CWB 3.4, which is much better in every respect.
 Keep in mind that the 3.0 branch hasn't been getting any bug fixes for the past few years. 
2) Easy: Just install the CWB/Perl modules without running "make test"; or simply
remove the file t/33_cqp_errors.t from your local sandbox before running the tests. 
Background: Last year I discovered that CQP doesn't check for nonsensical repetition counts in
queries (such as {-1}) and produces various kinds of errors ranging from very unexpected
results to crashes.  This is now tested by the CWB/Perl modules and fixed in recent version of
CWB 3.4.  Best, Stefan  



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