[CWB] Accessing phonetic transcriptions in CQPweb

Eva Bretschneider eva.bretschneider at uni-leipzig.de
Mon Jun 4 13:26:21 CEST 2018

Dear everybody,

I have a question regarding my corpora:

The texts are transcriptions of spoken German written with cGAT. They  
are edited so the first column in the data is "normalized", meaning  
the transcription was adjusted to "normal" writing. The second column  
is the POS-tag, third the lemma and the fourth is the cGAT-Transcript.

My question is: Is there a way to display this fourth column when  
accessing the corpus? E.g. searching for {haben} and displaying "what  
was actually said", meaning the transcript in the fourth column?

Thanks a lot for any help,
best regards

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