[CWB] ERROR: CQP backend startup failed; the reported CQP version [] could not be parsed

"Andrés Chandía" andres at chandia.net
Fri Sep 7 13:11:27 CEST 2018

Hi there,
after upgrading the server from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 I get this error at corpus

ERROR: CQP backend startup failed; the reported CQP version [] could not be parsed

but I get no log at apache error logs...

and the debug at cqp web says nothing about errors, except the same message at the

some help please....


About to run the following MySQL query: 	set sql_mode = ""  	/* from User: ???
| Function: connect_global_mysql() | 2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	select id from user_info where username =
'admin'  	/* from User: ??? | Function: user_name_to_id() | 2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	select creation from user_cookie_tokens where
token = '017b98d970c5f5df088b6bb373b09be4c063fa1693fff275bdc3bccdd087f937' and user_id = 1 
	/* from User: ??? | Function: check_user_cookie_token() | 2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	select username from user_info where id = 1  	/*
from User: ??? | Function: user_id_to_name() | 2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	update user_cookie_tokens set expiry =
1541502481 where token = '017b98d970c5f5df088b6bb373b09be4c063fa1693fff275bdc3bccdd087f937'
and user_id = 1  	/* from User: ??? | Function: touch_cookie_token() | 2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	update user_info set last_seen_time =
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where username='admin'  	/* from User: ??? | Function: touch_user() |
2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	SELECT * from user_info WHERE username = 'admin'
 	/* from User: ??? | Function: get_user_info() | 2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	select * from user_privilege_info  order by id 
	/* from User: ??? | Function: get_all_privileges_info() | 2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	select * from user_grants_to_users where user_id
= 1 order by privilege_id asc  	/* from User: ??? | Function: list_user_grants() | 2018-Sep-07
11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	select group_name from user_memberships inner
join user_groups on id = group_id where user_id = 1 order by group_name asc  	/* from User:
??? | Function: get_list_of_groups() | 2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	select id from user_groups where group_name =
'superusers'  	/* from User: ??? | Function: group_name_to_id() | 2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */ 

The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	select * from user_grants_to_groups where
group_id = 1 order by privilege_id asc  	/* from User: ??? | Function: list_group_grants() |
2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	select id from user_groups where group_name =
'everybody'  	/* from User: ??? | Function: group_name_to_id() | 2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */ 

The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	select * from user_grants_to_groups where
group_id = 2 order by privilege_id asc  	/* from User: ??? | Function: list_group_grants() |
2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
About to run the following MySQL query: 	select * from corpus_info where corpus =
'wikifr'  	/* from User: admin | Function: __construct() | 2018-Sep-07 11:08:01 */  
The query ran successfully in 0 seconds.  
ERROR: CQP backend startup failed; the reported CQP version [] could not be parsed.


Dungupeyem | IECMap | ISECMap | NMT | Corlexim

administrador de:
Parles.upf | IWCH | Amind
terapia | ONG Mapuche koyaktu | Nocando | IAC
| CddZ | ISAC |
P No imprima innecesariamente. ¡Cuide el medio ambiente!
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