[CWB] Cannot build CWB::CL

Hardie, Andrew a.hardie at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Sep 16 12:56:10 CEST 2010

> @Andrew: is there documentation on API changes from 3.0 to 
> 3.2? 

Only in the comments to cl.h (some of which are in the Doxygen HTML).  I
did my level best to make sure there would only be minimal API changes;
the biggest exception is cl_string_canonical for obvious reasons.

> If we expect the two versions to coexist

I don't think we should. If people are pre-Unicode, they should be
working with *everything* pre-Unicode, ie both CWB and CWB-Perl 3.0 or
earlier. And if they're post-Unicode, they need both CWB 3.2+ and a
compatible CWB-Perl.


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