[CWB] R package "rcqp"

Sylvain Loiseau sylvain.loiseau at wanadoo.fr
Thu Feb 23 08:13:04 CET 2012

Dear all,

We are pleased to present the "rcqp" package for R. This package embeds CWB as a shared library and lets you query CWB from within R and retrieve output as R objects.

The project is hosted on RForge:


An R "vignette" presenting the project is attached. In this vignette, you will find an overview of the available functions.

Embedding CWB happens to require very few modifications of the original C code and can easily be repeated on future versions.

We will be very interested in comments and advices on how to improve this set of R functions in order to make rcqp a more useful package.

We are also looking for someone who could checkout the code and compile the extension as a shared library on Windows, in order to provide a binary for Windows users and give them the ability of installing transparently this package in R. Some (hopefully very few) editions in the Makefile file will be needed, and we would be happy of course to assist any interested parties in this task.

Best regards,
Bernard Desgraupes
Sylvain Loiseau

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