[CWB] structural attribute (or xml tags) in cqpweb

Luigi Talamo luigi.talamo at unibg.it
Fri Nov 14 16:50:03 CET 2014

Hello there,
I am a little bit confused about structural attributes and cqpweb. I
recall a mail from Andrew (mid 2012) where he explicitly said that he
was working on the issue. I have tried the latest version of cqpweb
and it seems that structural attributes/xml tags are restricted to
text level annotation i.e., text genre, author and so on. But, again,
I am confused, and maybe I am still missing something :-)
Since structural attributes at the word level work are supported in
the command line, it is not possible to add the support also in
cqpweb? The obvious, temporary workaround will be of creating
alias/macros to ease the insertion of Structural Attributes, as with
the command line.
Thank you, best.

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