[CWB] CQPWeb-In-A-Box retrieving metadata from XML

Silvio Fuchs silvio.fuchs88 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 14:11:55 CEST 2015

Thanx again for the quick and rather helpful response. I updated everything and it did help indeed. I can now extract metadata from my xml. Unfortunately there is a new problem. Once I try to create frequency-tables for my corpus I get the following error messages:

For "create CWB frequency tables“: 
Error # 1146: Table 'cqpweb.text_metadata_for_' doesn't exist 

For „create frequency table“: 
cwb-scan-corpus error! cl_new_corpus: can't locate <word> in /var/cqpweb/registry Error: can't find corpus word (in registry /var/cqpweb/registry)


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