[CWB] Field Word Data (ELAN)

Ruprecht von Waldenfels ruprecht.waldenfels at gmx.net
Wed Dec 7 13:27:28 CET 2016


I was wondering about projects that use CWB to display field work data, 
i.e., text with (multiple levels of) morpheme-level glossing. Could you 
share your experiences? How did you approach the representation of these 
levels in the CWB format, how did you end up displaying the output?

I am planning to adapt our current spoken-data interface 
(parasolcorpus.org/Pushkino) to handle glossed data and will write a 
converter from the  ELAN format to handle this. I would greatly 
appreciate any comments on how this is best done, how to handle the 
display, and whether there are any projects that already do this.

Best wishes!

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