[CWB] Error # 1290 when trying to build metadata from file

Jiayue Wang sasha.wang2017 at yandex.com
Sat Dec 1 10:30:55 CET 2018


I installed a new corpus successfully, but when I tried to 
"automatically run frequency-list setup" by selecting a metadata file, 
cqpweb threw the following message:

A MySQL query did not run successfully!

Original query: LOAD DATA INFILE 
'/home/arthur/CWB_folders/temp/___install_temp_fxrd8ho8yc' INTO TABLE 
`text_metadata_for_bjl_corpus` FIELDS ESCAPED BY '' /* from User: admin 
| Function: create_text_metadata_from_file() | 2018-Dec-01 09:19:47 */

Error # 1290: The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv 
option so it cannot execute this statement

It seems that the error msg isn't related with the metadata file, for it 
is well-formed. I searched the internet for the 1290 error, but couldn't 
figure out what the lot of help means. In the ~/.my.cnf file I added the 

secure_file_priv               = ''

But the problems is still there.

Please help, thanks


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