[CWB] Spaces inside the tags

"Andrés Chandía" andres at chandia.net
Sun Dec 23 13:59:54 CET 2018

I have also tried escaping the spaces but no success...

Hi there, is there a way to include spaces inside tags?, at the moment I've tried
directly including the tag and also sorrounding it with double quoutes, but I still get, for


either I have

allkütuniefin    [@TV]   " [@TV][allkü=oir.
escuchar][+TR at tu33][+PRPS at nie32][+EDO at fi6][+IND1SG@ün3]"


allkütuniefin    [@TV]    [@TV][allkü=oir.
escuchar][+TR at tu33][+PRPS at nie32][+EDO at fi6][+IND1SG@ün3]

As you can see there is a space betwen oir.  and  escuchar : oir. escuchar
I know this is the problem because if I change the spaces for dash for instance the tag
is shown this way:

  allkütuniefin_[@TV][allkü=oir.-escuchar][+TR at tu33][+PRPS at nie32][+EDO at fi6][+IND1SG@ün3]

             andrés chandía
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Dungupeyem | IECMap | ISECMap | NMT | Corlexim

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P No imprima innecesariamente. ¡Cuide el medio ambiente!
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