[CWB] Little gap on account created by admin

"Andrés Chandía" andres at chandia.net
Mon Feb 12 17:27:58 CET 2018

 Hi there, I have created an account for a user and at the
"Send verification email? " I have selected "Yes, send a verification email.
The process goes well and if the user click on the activation link it succeeds, but the user
is sent to the login dialog where he is asked for the username and password, but these data is
not known by the user because the admin was who created the account, who assigned a username
and a password. So everytime I've been requested for an account the user has sent me back a
mail saying he's not able to access and that he does not (obviously) knows the username or
password to access, so I have to reassign a password and communicate to the user by mail the
username and password...

Wouldn't be easier that when the user click on the
activation link he gets logged in automatically and from then on he would be requested to
change/assign a password to his user?


             andrés chandía
Dungupeyem | IECMap | ISECMap | NMT | Corlexim

administrador de:
Parles.upf | IWCH | Amind terapia | ONG Mapuche koyaktu | Nocando | IAC | CddZ | ISAC | CatCg
P No imprima
innecesariamente. ¡Cuide el medio ambiente! 
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