[CWB] Short sentences inconsistent alignment

"Andrés Chandía" andres at chandia.net
Wed Dec 26 16:26:49 CET 2018

Hi there, I have a corpus where some of the frases are really short ones, even a word
long, so when I do a query usually at showing the parallel corpora shows me either a previous
or a subsequent frase eventhow the alignment is well done at the corpus.

I have the all corpus configured this way: Display setting: show 1 of XML element:
Structure ``s'' (s)

For instalce if I search the word "wentru" (corpus are Mapudungun/English and

at md/en I get: küme wentru | the   other   side   /   to   the   other   side 

at md/es I get: küme wentru | llegó   a   un   lago

while the aligned sentences are:


<s id="73">
küme    [@AJ]   
wentru    [@NN]   

<s id="73">
a    a   
DT    0.998827
good    good   
JJ    0.967564
man    man   
NN    0.989314


<s id="73">
buen    bueno   
AQ0MS00    1
hombre    hombre   
NCMS000    0.990108

Is there a trick to get the correct alingned senteces?


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