[CWB] Translation

"Andrés Chandía" andres at chandia.net
Tue Jan 30 10:49:21 CET 2018

P. S. answer. Yes, I know, there is a number of things that can not be translated the way I
did, and there is a lot more I haven't translated yet, every day I'm adding more phrases to
the translation list, I would say I have about a 50% translated, any way I know this is not
the optimal way, but it is an approach. As to maintain the translations probably you could do
like other open source systems do, call for voluntaries.

El Mar, 30 de Enero
de 2018, 4:42, Hardie, Andrew escribió:

very  impressive … I would have thought much more complex changes would be

only problem is that the search-replace operations will break if we ever change any of the
wording in the UI. Which I do, frequently
  (not being good at getting these things
perfect first time)

has been the root cause of my reluctance to make the CQPweb UI multilingual.
It’s not the difficulty of creating the initial translation(s)
– it’s the difficulty of keeping all of the translations
up to date as the system evolves…



You’ve got most of the text used in the bibg HTML chunks, but this may miss
some things: e.g. text generated by client side JavaScript
  e.g. in jsc/cword.js or
jsc/categorise.js *, or the query-heading strings generated by
QueryRecord::print_solution_heading(). I guess the former probably don’t
make much difference to your users -  but the latter is another powerful reason for not going
  as it would create word-order problems for assembling the sentence-bits.
Not only raw strings, but also concatenation action ordering, would need to be


cwb-bounces at sslmit.unibo.it [mailto:cwb-bounces at sslmit.unibo.it]
 On Behalf Of
"Andrés Chandía"
 Sent: 28
January 2018 03:41
 To: CWBdev Mailing List 

Subject: [CWB] Translation
I want to share with you guys the scripts I used to translate CQPWeb into
Spanish (CL).
 I know you probably can make better scripts, faster, for sure that Perl
can improve it, but anyway here I send it for you to take profit and if you want use it as you
 I haven't written instructions but here I comment a little:

the directory with the scripts has to be at the same level of the cqpweb directory
translation directory is called "translateCQPweb", so you cd into it
 and then
you run the script "sh translate.sh" 
 If you want to use it to
translate to some other language you will have to go along all of the other scripts replacing
the spanish version for the one you need, always be careful to scape metacharacters like (  | 
[  etc. in your language translation. Files
  containing translations are these ones:


 finally edit the "translate.sh" file and follow the
instructions that this one does have
 I wanted to add a log for each command that
tells the command and the "error" if there is one to the log, but I couldn't find
the way.
 There are some words that can not be translated this way, so those ones
have to be translated manually, like in some places the words "Description",
"Delete" and some others.
 I have my Chilean Spanish version of CQPWeb
in here: 
 and the
file with all the translations in here: 
 I hope you
can use it in further development.

             andrés chandía
 NMT |
 Dungupeyem | 
 administrador de:
 Parles.upf | 
terapia | ONG Mapuche koyaktu |
 Nocando | 
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 ISAC | CatCg |
 mail: ONG Mapuche koyaktu | 
 Psicoaching |
 No imprima innecesariamente. ¡Cuide el medio





Dungupeyem | Corlexim

administrador de:
Parles.upf | Amind
terapia | ONG Mapuche koyaktu | Nocando | IAC
| CddZ | ISAC |
CatCg |
mail: ONG Mapuche koyaktu | Psicoaching |
P No imprima innecesariamente. ¡Cuide el medio ambiente!
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